[tlhIngan Hol] treating nouns joined by {je} as a whole

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Apr 16 06:01:08 PDT 2021

On 4/16/2021 8:11 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> jIjatlh vIneH: "the sword and the shield are shiny", vaj < boch 'etlh 
> 'ej boch yoD > jIjatlh.
> maj.. 'a DaH jIqon: {boch 'etlh yoD je}. mu'tlheghvamDaq {je}mo' vey 
> bIH {'etlh}'e' {yoD}'e' je, qar'a'? vaj veyvam HochDaq vang {boch}.
> vaj "the sword and the shield are shiny" jIjatlhmeH, {boch 'etlh yoD 
> je} vIqonchugh, jIlugh, qar'a'?

While *boch yan 'ej boch yoD* can be translated /The sword and the 
shield are shiny,/ the most literal translation is /The sword is shiny, 
and the shield is shiny./ (I've switched to *yan* because the "most 
literal" translation of *'etlh* is /blade./ You do manage to pick subtly 
awkward words for demonstrations.)

The most literal translation of *boch yan yoD je* is /The sword and the 
shield are shiny./ The subject consists of two nouns, and the sentence 
implies that each is shiny.


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