[tlhIngan Hol] some more from Maltz
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Apr 2 07:13:53 PDT 2021
I know that the space isn't that significant for Okrand. That opens up the possibility for nonce expressions like {SolDeS Do} "sail(ing) speed", {SuS Do} "wind speed" or {rapmar Do} "oar/rowing speed" for ships; {rutlh Do} "wheel speed" for various types of wheeled vehicles; etc. Spaces are far more likely when the first element is two words (e.g. {bIQ Duj} ship, {lupwI' mIr} train, {puH Duj} car) or three words (e.g. {qam Do Duj} bicycle) or four words (e.g. {cha' rutlh puH Duj} motorcycle) or even five words (e.g. {wa’ rutlh qam Do Duj} unicycle).
I imagine the same thing might work for the bound morpheme {ghor} meaning a type of propulsion system, so far seen in only two words: {Hongghor} "impulse drive" and {pIvghor} "warp drive". *{tatghor} "ion propulsion" and *{’otlhghor} "photonic propulsion, photon drive" proposed on the List so I can envision *{SISghor} "steam drive/propulsion" or even *{SuSghor} "wind propulsion".
BTW, since it comes up so often... have you and Okrand come up with an explicit way to refer to the space between words? {‘olQan} "gap" is the obvious choice:
(qep'a' 2018): like the space between your teeth or the area between rows of seats in a theater, but it (and {‘olQanmey}) can be used for the space in a room, space on a desk, etc. A verb commonly used with {‘olQan} is {‘uch}. This generally means hold, grasp, but when the object is {‘olQan} it’s often translated "occupy" or "take up".
... but Okrand might prefer using a verb such as {chev} "separate" -- as in {chevwI' tlhoy'} "territorial wall" (literally a "separator wall"). *{chevwI' 'olQan} perhaps?
---------------------------------------------Original Message----------------------------------------
From: Lieven L. Litaer
Am 01.04.2021 um 23:19 schrieb Steven Boozer:
> Hmm…
> *qam Do “foot speed”
I always thought that was a very clear and obvious parsing of the word.
What else would it be? [qam {Do Duj}] "speed vessel of the foot?"
> qughDo cruising speed
> wabDo speed of sound
> gho'Do sublight (speed)
> Note that these are one word, not two.
Talking about this, the point of having a space in a compound noun is something that WE had observed ourselves, it was not something that Okrand thought about initially. As Klingon was mainly intended as a spoken language, the space was not important. You would not hear any difference.
This is not a direct quote, but that's what Okrand told me.
In addition to that, there is a difference in the example of {wab Do}.
Now, this is a direct quote:
As a spelling convention, {wab Do} "speed of sound" is written as two words. When used as a measurement term ("Mach"), it's written as one word (wabDo). The pronunciation (and, for that matter, meaning) is the same. (qepHom 2016)
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