[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "one of these people"

nIqolay Q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 08:01:55 PDT 2020

 On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 10:11 AM SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> I don't think it means what you want it to mean. *nuvpu'vam wa'** these
> people's one.*
Or "these people #1". Which doesn't mean very much either.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 10:36 AM Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:

> qorDu' SaHlu'chugh 'ej matlhlu'chugh vaj wa' tlhIngan ghob potlhqu'
> devotion and loyalty to family is one of the most important Klingon
> virtues. (S13)

I think this sentence is missing a verb somewhere. "If one cares about
family and is loyal, then <???> one very important Klingon virtue." I'm not
sure what verb could go there. *pablu'* "one follows/adheres to", maybe?

Also, for the original question: Would *loch* work? We only know it in the
context of fractions, but the glosses "make up a portion of, constitute
part of" suggest it could have non-fraction uses. *nuvpu'vam lochbogh
wa''e' **one who makes up a portion of these people. *You could even try
the other way around, with *yugh*: *wa''e' luyughbogh nuvpu'vam **one who
is included among those people *(the passive voice is a little awkward for
the English, here).

That said, unless you're writing poetry or need to be exactly precise, you
can probably just use *wa'* and rely on context to indicate that you're
referring to "these people". If a detective in a murder mystery (*<tajmey
luQIqlu'pu'>*?) gathers all the suspects in one place and tells the police
officer *romuluSnganpu' HoHta' wa'*, the police officer can probably guess
that the *wa'* is in reference to the people that the detective has rounded
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