[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "one of these people"
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Sep 10 07:36:02 PDT 2020
"One of NOUNS/PRONOUN" in canon:
wa' yIHoH. jISaHbe'.
Kill one of them. I don't care which. (ST3)
wa' yIHoH
Kill one (of them)! (TKD)
["The preceding sentence is grammatically correct even without the {wa'} because the prefix {yI-} indicates a singular object. The {wa'}, therefore, is used for emphasis only." (TKD 54)]
qorDu' SaHlu'chugh 'ej matlhlu'chugh vaj wa' tlhIngan ghob potlhqu'
devotion and loyalty to family is one of the most important Klingon virtues. (S13)
No examples AFAIK of "one/two/three, etc. *of these/those* NOUNS". SuStel is right: Rely on context.
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
-----------------------------------Original Message-----------------------------------
On 9/10/2020 9:38 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> romuluSnganpu' HoHta' wa' nuvpu'vam'e'
> one of these people killed the romulans
> lugh'a' mu'tlheghvam ?
It doesn't break any rules. Is it the best way to do this? Probably not.
Context would be better.
nuvvam tInuD! romuluSngan HoHta' wa'. yIngu'!
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