[tlhIngan Hol] don't pay the ferryman
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 09:48:03 PDT 2020
> I wonder if bIQ lupwI' pIn'a' might be
> better for ferryman. Transporting
> something or someone is integral to the
> meaning of ferry.
> Instead of SoHvaD Dop Dop qengpu'pa',
> how about DuchIqmoHchu'pu'pa' before
> he has caused you to cross completely?
Hoch Dachupbogh vImaSbej. {lup} {chIq} je vIlIjba'pu'..
'ach jISIv.. {bIQ lupwI' pIn'a'} tu'lu', 'a chaq latlh DuH tu'lu' je: {bIQ
lupwI' HoD}. nIv nuq ? jIwuqlaHbe'..
'ej jIQaghpu'..
chris de burgh ghaH bomvam bomwI' wa'DIch'e'; 'a bomvam twinball QoQ ghom
Sar vImaS.
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