[tlhIngan Hol] don't pay the ferryman

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Oct 26 09:23:39 PDT 2020

(KGT 149-50):  There is no known verb {Degh}, but if there were such a word, presumably it would mean “steer”, and {DeghwI'}, then, would be literally “one who steers” […] There is a related noun {Degh} (“helm”), but since {-wI'} follows only verbs, there must have been a verb {Degh} at one time that has fallen out of use, at least in the sense of “steer” … in the usual sense of guiding a vessel along a set course or defined path

Roger Cheesbro (DloraH) used {DeghwI'} “helmsman” for ferryman in his “{ghIlghameS}: A Klingon Translation” (2000).  A ferryman is just a special type of helmsman.  Klingon Monopoly though used the verb {qeng} for “ferry”:

  Hegh Duj DatIj 'ej ghe'torDaq Duqeng
  "Barge of the Dead" ferries you to Gre'thor! (MKE)

FYI:  Kortar is the ferryman on the mythical “Barge of the Dead” who was condemned to ferry the souls of the dishonored dead over the River of Blood to the gates of Gre'thor as punishment destroying the gods who created him.  (VOY "Barge of the Dead")

He’s the Klingon equivalent of Charon. For those up on their Greek mythology:  How did Charon get his job?  Was he, too, being punished?

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
From: SuStel
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020

On 10/26/2020 11:47 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
bom: don't pay the ferryman
QoQ ghom: twinball

"don't pay the ferryman, don't even fix a price, don't pay the ferryman until he gets you to the other side"

< bIQ Duj pIn'a' yIDIlQo', DIlmeH Huch poQbogh yIlajQo', bIQ Duj pIn'a' yIDIlQo', SoHvaD Dop Dop qengpu'pa' >

I wonder if bIQ lupwI' pIn'a' might be better for ferryman. Transporting something or someone is integral to the meaning of ferry.

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