[tlhIngan Hol] does -jaj have the "may your request be granted" meaning ?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 08:09:55 PDT 2020

charghwI', Do'Ha' bIyajHa'pu'.

bible mughmeH mIw bopbe' QIn tlheghvam. {-jaj} bop, 'ej SuStelvaD
ghunchu'wI'vaD je mumISmoHbogh {-jaj} lo' vIyajmoHmeH, bible
mu'tlheghmey vIrevpu'.

> Bible and poetry translation both tend to get more eye-rolls than zealous support here

'ach bible mughqangchugh matlh jup ghaHbogh jatlhwI''e', vaj Sulopqangchu'..

> We could really use more original Klingon literature

maj. vaj nIteb Hoch DaneHbogh yImugh. 'a poHDaj tlhIn lo'taHvIS nuv
pIm, ghaHvaD pagh yIjatlh.

~ Qa'yIn

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