[tlhIngan Hol] New words from Hamletmachine

nIqolay Q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 19:30:54 PDT 2020

maj! I'm a little confused by one small thing. What's the difference
between a {cha'neH} and a {DeS reStav}? Does {cha'neH} include the whole
forearm, whereas {DeS reStav} only applies to one side? Or are they

Also, some puns:
{Do'ghI'} - https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dogie
{rIv} - https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rive#English
{jIb} - https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gibbet
{'on'I'} - perhaps from the "-ino" on "cappucino" and "raktajino", drinks
with foamy milk

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 4:02 PM Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> For the creation of the play {mu' mu' mu'} by the Dutch theatre company
> URLAND that premiered on 4th of March 2020, I was asked to translate a
> German play into Klingon, which was partially used in their play. The
> play "Die Hamletmaschine" by German author Heiner Müller was written in
> 1977, is internationally known and has been translated into several
> languages.
> During translation work, I got help from Marc Okrand who could discuss
> some useful information with Maltz. Due to some copyright situations, I
> cannot publish the translation right now, but I do not want to keep
> those words hidden until publication until then, so here we go.
> For a clearer and more "colorful" overview, see the page at the Klingon
> Language wiki: http://klingon.wiki/En/Hamletmachine
> Body parts:
> == Okrand quote ==
> {nev'ob} refers to both the "thigh" and the "upper arm" (above the
> elbow). Similarly, {reStav} refers to both the "shin" and the "forearm."
> If it's necessary to make a distinction, precede these words with {'uS}
> or {DeS}.
> {cha'neH}, when used alone, means "forearm." But when preceded by {'uS},
> it means "lower part of the leg."  You could also say {DeS cha'neH} for
> "forearm," but this would probably be used only in a context where you
> were talking about both the forearm and the lower leg and wanted to
> clarify which was which.
> {reStav} is "shin," meaning the front of the lower leg. (I assume
> "Schienbein" is "shin bone." {reStav} is more than just the bone. The
> only way Maltz was aware of for referring to the bone is {reStav Hom}.)
> {Do'ghI'} is "calf," meaning the back of the lower leg ("Wade,"
> presumably).
> == Okrand quote end ==
> Clarifying "hang":
> == Okrand quote ==
> {HuS} takes an object. If your shoes are hanging on a wall it's because
> somebody hung them there.
> {HuS} is not used to mean "lynch" or "execute by hanging." That's a
> different word: {jIb}.  (Maltz thought maybe an early form of torture or
> execution was hanging people by their hair, but he wasn't totally sure
> about this and may have just been reacting to the homophony.)
> And there's another word: {tlhep} "be suspended, be dangling."  Use
> {HuS} if, for example, you hang your coat on a hook on the wall or hang
> sheets on a clothesline to dry.  But if, say, you see a spider dangling
> at the bottom of one of those silk threads that spiders extrude, use
> {tlhep}. Or if you see a pair of shoes tied together by the laces and,
> for whatever reason, they're hanging by the tied-together laces from an
> overhead power wire, use {tlhep}.
> == Okrand quote end ==
> Okrand agreed that {jIb'egh} is "suicide by hanging".
> Next, there was a question about a "concubine":
> == Okrand quote ==
> Maltz thought the best word for this might be {lIwnal}, though maybe
> not: the cultural connotations are a bit different since, in Klingon
> culture, everything associated with a {lIwnal} lacks honor, and this is
> not necessarily the case for a (Terran) king's concubines or courtesans.
> Note that only married people could have a partner who could be
> considered a {lIwnal}. Also, {lIwnal} could be male or female, so if
> it's necessary to distinguish, say {loD lIwnal} or {be' lIwnal}.
> == Okrand quote end ==
> More words:
> {ghenlan} - Greenland (country)
> {qaw'} - flip over
> {qaw'moH} - flip over (i.e. "make something flip over")
> {rIv} - split
> {vIrgh} - rip (up), slash, tear (up), gash
> {'o'nI'} - foam, froth
> Not new words, but combined translations:
> {DeSwar bIr} - refrigerator
> {jorchan velqa'} - stage decoration
> {much jech} - costume
> {much yaH} - stage
> {qab jech} - mask
> Transliterations:
> {qo'qa' qo'la'} - Coca Cola
> {lIyenIn} - Lenin
> {maw} - Mao
> The question for a "stage" was answered with a general statement:
> == Okrand quote ==
> Any place specifically designated for the performance of a specific task
> (or tasks) is a {yaH}.  A stage is the {yaH} for the performance of
> plays or, perhaps, music. A football field is the {yaH} for a football
> game. A laboratory is a scientist's {yaH}. And, of course, on a ship, a
> {yaH} is a duty station.  If context isn't enough to clarify what sort
> of {yaH} it is, you can say things like {much yaH}, {QoQ yaH},
> {tamlerQeD yaH}, etc.
> == Okrand quote end ==
> There's an idiom for "kill time": {'ebmey jonHa'}
> Talking about a "virgin", Okrand suggested saying it literally what a
> virgin is:
> {pagh ngaghpu'bogh be'} or {not vay' ngaghpu'bogh be'}
> Doing so, he answered the question if {ngagh} can be used with people.
> And in case anyone wondered, {jach} is a good verb to describe what a
> {jajlo' Qa'} does.
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
> http://www.klingonisch.de
> http://klingon.wiki/En/Hamletmachine
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