[tlhIngan Hol] vIb - propagate

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 00:11:13 PDT 2020

On Sat, 28 Mar 2020 at 09:10, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> > {bIQDaq vIb 'otlhmey; cha' 'ujmey lID} "the photons propagated through
> > two ujes of water".
> That's my next question: why not {bIQ luvIb 'otlhmey}?

Because the definition is "propagate", not "propagate in/through"?
Although, looking at the examples, we have:
{wa'vatlh DIS vIvIb} "I time-travel 100 years into the future"

This indicates that the object of {vIb} is the distance, so the following
should also be possible:
{bIQDaq cha' 'ujmey vIb 'otlhmey} "the photons propagated two ujes into the

{bIQ luvIb 'otlhmey} would mean "the photons propagated water". I suppose
that might make sense if {bIQ} is referring to a specific body of water.
That is, it could be analogous to something like {bIQ'a' luvIb 'otlhmey}
"the photons propagated the ocean (i.e., the length? width? area? of the
ocean)", though I wouldn't write it that way.

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