[tlhIngan Hol] vIb - propagate

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Sat Mar 28 01:10:21 PDT 2020

ja' De'vID:
> future", I take it that the idea is that {vIb} more generally means to
> move through any medium in the forward direction, but that it's so often [...]
> forward in time.

I'm definitely with you on this. Okrand very often answers questions
like, saying "to express X you can use the verb Y".

The obvious {poHDaq leng} was immmeditely skipped, because one does not
"travel" through time. Using a verb that includes some kind of
transmission through material is a interesting idea, and as De'vID said,
Klingons use that word for time travel.

> {bIQDaq vIb 'otlhmey; cha' 'ujmey lID} "the photons propagated through
> two ujes of water".

That's my next question: why not {bIQ luvIb 'otlhmey}?

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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