[tlhIngan Hol] New words from Hamletmachine

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Tue Mar 31 03:35:12 PDT 2020

Am 31.03.2020 um 11:10 schrieb De'vID:
> Does {reStav} refer to the front (facing front of the body) side of the
> shin and forearm, or the side exterior to the joint (front of the lower
> leg, but back of the lower arm)?

For the leg, it is clear:
When you look at me, face to face, and I kick your leg, I touch the

> So, to be clear, {cha'neH} refers to sum of {reStav} and {Do'ghI'}?

That's how I see it too, yes.

> Is there a {DeS Do'ghI'} and if so, what specifically does it refer to?

He did not talk about it, so I guess there is no such thing. Or we don't
know yet. At this moment, I would only list it as "calf, back of leg",
not more. (Even in English, a "arm calf" does not make sense, but that
doesnot count in Kingon anyway)

> Hang on... Does {jIb} primarily mean "lynch" or "execute by hanging"?

Since we were talking about the verb "hang", the focus lies more on that
verb. Okrand also confirmed {jIb'egh} for "hang yourself", and that
would be strange to say "lynch yourself".

> Okay, but what if [...]
> I'm not being pedantic, I genuinely don't understand the distinction
> between shoes and other clothing or whatever exact distinction is being
> drawn here between hanging and dangling.

It was just a random example to make the difference, which is quite simple:

hang, transitive = HuS
hang, intransitive = tlhep

> (This is clarified in the linked page to be transitive, as in "the ax
> split the watermelon", not "the watermelon split in half".)

>     {'o'nI'} - foam, froth
> Is this a verb or a noun?

Definitely a noun. It's like the foam you see on a cappuccino, on a
beer, in the water a shoreside, in the bathtub etc. A summary of many

> This entry is going to be annoying for me as I have to add it in Hong
> Kong Chinese to {boQwI'}, but nobody refers to Mao as just "Mao". (That
> is, for the Chinese entry to make sense, it should be the
> transliteration of Mao Zedong/Mao Tse-Tung, not just "Mao".)

Maybe you can add a note that this is an English transcription, or - in
the game - Klingons have heard this name from a English speaker not
being aware that the original name is different.

> other political ideologies. (If you think I'm kidding, you have no idea
> how many weirdos there are on the Internet. Better throw in the names of
> America's Founding Fathers now.)

It just originated from the play being translated, which used these
names. Marx is also in there (even with a long quote), but Okrand gave
no transpcriptopn for that, I made it myself, so it's not canon.

> Is a {tamlerQeD yaH} the entirety of a {tamlertej}'s {Qulpa'}, or just
> the table/desk/station in the {tamlertej}'s immediate work area? I
> assume the latter since that corresponds to a "duty station" on a ship,
> but the other examples suggest a {yaH} could cover a much bigger area or
> concept.

I did not give the translation because Okrand also did not.

But I agree with what you said. Compare the {jonSeH yaH} with the
{jonta' pa'}. I think it's okay to assume that the {yaH} is part of the
{pa'}, but on the same time, {yaH} could also refer to the entire
working place (like "I'm at the office", I'd say yaH).

Talking about size, like the football field, this is large, but includes
all of the working area, and it'S not a room.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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