[tlhIngan Hol] je to express things which don't

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Jul 28 05:51:54 PDT 2020

On 7/28/2020 8:03 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> nav vIghajbe', ghItlhwI' vIghajbe' je
> I don't have a pen nor do I have a paper
> qovIjmey vIQejbe', ngavyaw'mey vIQejbe' je
> I don't like small canine-like creatures nor do I like big ones
> Is there a problem using {je} this way ?


>   I'm asking because it's
> pretty tempting to translate these sentences as:
> nav vIghajbe', ghItlhwI' vIghajbe' je
> I don't have a paper, I don't have a pen too
> qovIjmey vIQejbe', ngavyaw'mey vIQejbe' je
> I don't love small canine-like creatures, I don't like big ones too
> The last two fse translations "sound" strange for some reason which I
> can't quite understand. On the other hand, I don't "feel" anything
> wrong with the klingon ones.

In English, you would use /either/ instead of /too/ when the sentence is 
negative. Klingon *je* does not care whether the sentence is negative.


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