[tlhIngan Hol] among the various time telling methods is there a formal one

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 02:47:48 PDT 2020

> Among the various time telling methods, is there a method which is
> supposed to be used in more formal settings than the rest ?
> And when I say "formal settings" I mean weddings, court trials,
> religious texts, etc.

There's something I realized, which perhaps answers this matter.

In "'maltz online', HolQeD 8:1, pages 7-12", it says:

> In dealing with time in interplanetary communication,
> Klingons have come to use the 24-hour system favored by the
> Federation.

And later, during the description of the {'arlogh Qoy'lu'pu'} method,
it says in reference to this method:

> in a time before Klingons traveled around the galaxy

Given that weddings, court trials (of any kind), and religious texts
were probably taking place/were probably written before klingons
started travelling in space (I can't believe I'm writing this crap..),
then logically, the formal/traditional method seems to be the {'arlogh

The only thing which doesn't seem to fit in all this, is something
which I read at: http://klingonska.org/ref/time.html

There, it says:

> In Hol­QeD 8:1 (March 1999) two different ways of telling the time were described.
> The first system, used for interplanetary communication, is exemplified in the following
> phrases (if the context is clear, the word te­ra’ Earth may be left out, as in the last example below):
> te­ra’ rep wa’ Earth hour one or one o’clock
> te­ra’ rep cha’­maH Earth hour 20 or 20 o’clock or eight o’clock p.m.
> te­ra’ rep loS wej­maH Earth hour 4:30
> rep cha’­maH 20 o’clock, eight o’clock p.m.
> The second system is an informal way of answering the question ’ar­logh Qoy­lu’­pu’?
> What time is it? (lit. How many times has it been heard?)
> In direct response to this question one may even drop the verb,
> and answer only chorgh­logh eight o’clock (lit. eight times).
> cha’­logh Qoy­lu’­pu’ It’s two o’clock
> chorgh­logh Qoy­lu’­pu’ It’s eight o’clock

The problem here is whether the sentence "The second system is an
informal way of answering the question {’ar­logh Qoy­lu’­pu’?}", was
indeed in HQ, and of course whether it was written by 'oqranD himself.
Let alone the fact, that according to that sentence, the thing which
actually is informal, isn't the question itself, but the "way of
answering to it". And the sentence in question doesn't clarify whether
the "informal way of answering" concerns only the answers where the
verb is dropped (e.g saying just {chorghlogh}), or whether it has to
do with the entire {chorgh­logh Qoy­lu’­pu’} sentence.

Anyways, since I don't have the original HQ, I can't know for sure
what's actually going on, but unless there's some other Ca'Non I'm
missing, then for the time being I'll accept the {'arlogh Qoylu'pu'}
as the formal/traditional method of telling time.

~ Qa'yIn

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