[tlhIngan Hol] law' puS with jay' where the jay' refers

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 05:27:41 PDT 2020

We write:

{romuluSngan HoS law' qarDaSngan HoS puS jay'}

The first question is "can we place the {jay'} on a law' puS
construction ?". In the case it is something we can do, one could
start to wonder..

Does the construction above mean "the #!@! romulan is stronger than
the cardassian", or does it mean "the romulan is stronger than the
#!@! cardassian" ?

Or does it mean "the romulan is #!@! stronger than the cardassian" ?

Or is it that we can't apply the "#!@!" to only one part of the
comparative construction, or any kind of sentence ?

The way I understand the {jay'}, is that we can't apply it to only one
element of a sentence, because it's job is to actually turn the
entirety of sentence to an invective.

In greek/english we can place the f*** on only one word of a sentence,
but the way I understand the {jay'} we can't do something similar in

But I'm asking just to make certain my understanding is correct. On
the other hand though, perhaps for reasons I don't know, we can't use
the {jay'} on a law' puS construction, and this whole post is wrong
from the start.

~ Qa'yIn

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