[tlhIngan Hol] rIntaH and be-verbs
sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jan 29 07:30:57 PST 2020
On 1/29/2020 10:13 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> If I understand correctly, by "verbs of quality", we mean be-verbs,
> which are intransitive.
> But what happens, when we have an intransitive non-be-verb, as is the
> case with {ratlh} ? Does it behave with regards to aspect, as a be-verb ?
> For simplicity reasons, lets leave aside the {rIntaH}.
> Suppose I write: {pa' jIratlhpu'}.
> Would you agree that it means: "I have remained there, but now my
> remaining there is over, i.e. now I'm somewhere else" ?
Transitivity is irrelevant here. What's important to this discussion is
whether it's a verb of quality, and whether that changes whether an
aspect suffix is allowed.
Yes, I agree with your interpretation of *pa' jIratlhpu',* with the
usual caveat that there is no /now/ built into the sentence; the
remaining could have occurred and been completed in the past /(I
remained there) /or future /(I will have remained there)./ But I
recognize you were probably just using /now/ for simplicity. I might go
back later, or I might have already returned and I'm there again now,
but that particular act of remaining is finished.
Here's a possibly easier to grasp intransitive action verb: *quSDaq
jIQongpu'*/I slept on the chair; I will have slept on the chair./ It
means I completed an act of sleeping, probably followed by waking up.
That act of sleeping is finished.
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