[tlhIngan Hol] why we shouldn't do transcriptions

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Feb 27 13:54:20 PST 2020

On 2/27/2020 4:42 PM, SuStel wrote:
> But wait! Tolkien left notes for translators of /The Lord of the 
> Rings/ on how to deal with all sorts of names.

Here's an even better one:

    /Crickhollow./ A place-name in Buckland. It is meant to be taken as
    composed of an obsolete element + the known word /hollow./ The
    /-hollow/ (a small depression in the ground) can be translated by
    sense, the /crick-/ retained (in the spelling of the language of

There is Tolkien explicitly telling us to transliterate part of the word 
and translate the other part. We're not even told what the /crick-/ 
means. To render it in Klingon, we get *qrIqQemjIqHom.*


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