[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: HuDyar

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 4 07:15:30 PST 2020

Klingon Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Klingon word: HuDyar
Part of speech: noun
Definition: shed, shack
Source: qep'a' 24  [2017]

(qep'a' 2017?):  Maltz was asked for a "weather shelter" and said that this was a very Terran sort of thing and he wasn't aware of a Klingon word for it.  ("Why would anyone need a thing like that?" he asked.)  The best he could come up with was {HuDyar}.

(Lieven, 11/18/2019):  {raywal} is booth usually used for people while a {HuDyar} is used for storage, but the meanings seem to overlap, as they are both similar structures.

PUN: ray-d-uh [backwards] =  Radio (Shack)?  (U.S. chain of electronic stores)

qach 		building, structure
juH 		home, house (n)
juHHom 	cottage (n)
raywal 		booth (n)
jo'ley'  		tent (n)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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