[tlhIngan Hol] 'op jajmey..
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 04:55:38 PST 2020
> It's also upon the person writing to take into account the sensibilities
> and conventions of his or her audience.
True, but since there are several thousand people learning klingon, I
doubt anyone can speak in their name, as if he'd asked them all.
> You can come up with a writing
> style that you think is wonderful, but if your audience doesn't agree
> with you about that then you've failed as a writer.
.. But I'm not a klingon writer, nor do I aspire to become one.
Anyway, it's not my intention to argue. Lets just agree to disagree on
this one. But here's some food for thought..
Suppose okrand is asked, and replies by saying that klingon doesn't
have an impersonal second person "you". (And I believe that probably
this would be his answer..)
And then someone triumphantly says: "see ? you can't use it".. maj..
I wonder.. Why would the same person, who in that scenario would call
me out not to use the impersonal second person "you", wouldn't object
too to people saying things like:
{DaHjaj, vavnI'wI' yotlhDaq vIghro' vIleghpu'} for "today, at my
grandfather's field I saw a cat".
Okrand never said that {vIghro'} means "terran cat". People use it
though, and noone says to the person using it: "I can't understand
what you're saying; is your grandfather a klingon on kronos ? Because
only there one could actually see a vIghro'.."
Rules are rules, and the understanding of a person must be the same
throughout. If people insist, that one can't use an impersonal second
person, then I'd expect these same people to call out everyone using
the name of an animal without applying {tera'} before it, or the name
of a fruit, or anything similar.
As I wrote earlier, the reader needs to possess some basic discernment
skills. If he lacks them, then I'd ask him whenever he sees a klingon
post from me, to just press "delete" and save me the drama of having
to explain the obvious.
Because one can't say that he misunderstands the impersonal second
person "you" as being personal, while at the same time he doesn't
misunderstand a {vIghro'} used on its own.
~ mayqel qunen'oS
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