[tlhIngan Hol] does someone vor a disease or a person ?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 02:28:50 PDT 2020

> You’ve hit the biggest problem with the glosses in the word list.
> We are left to watch canon and otherwise make assumptions about
> what objects are appropriate for any given verb.

Indeed. And that's exactly the problem; we have to guess and proceed,
guess and proceed, guess and proceed.. And in the end habits are
formed, habits which are hard to break, when we receive some new

This is the classic case, where the words of a professor in my med
school come to mind. He used to say:

"The human mind has an almost inexhaustible capacity to accept
something which is new, regardless of its' level of difficulty. But
what is nearly impossible for it, is to un-learn something which it
already knows".

~ Qa'yIn

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