[tlhIngan Hol] Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Jackson Bradley j.monroe.bradley at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 10:03:14 PDT 2020

Right off the bat, there's a *je* missing after *lojmItlIjDaq *'eQ 'e'

Le dim. 26 avr. 2020, à 09 h 36, Jackson Bradley <j.monroe.bradley at gmail.com>
a écrit :

> My attempt at translating Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
> Thoughts? Suggestions? bI-/yI- or Su-/pe-?
> *DevarIm*
> 6:4 yIQoy, 'o yISra'el: wa' joH'a' ghaH joH'a''e', Qunma'.
> 6:5 'ej joH'a', QunlI', DamuSHa'meH tIqlIj Hoch, qa'lIj Hoch je, HoSlIj
> Hoch je tIlo'.
> 6:6 DaHjaj qara' 'ej tIqlIj luDab mu'meyvam:
> 6:7 'ej puqpu'lI'vaD tIghojmoH, 'ej tIrIch juHlIjDaq bIba'DI' 'ej
> bIlengDI' 'ej bIQotDI' 'ej bIHu'DI'.
> 6:8 ghoplIjDaq tIbagh 'ej QuchlIjDaq mInlIj jojDaq tIpol.
> 6:9 juH qachlIj lIvqa'nanDaq, lojmItlIjDaq tIghItlh
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