[tlhIngan Hol] mu' chu': 'aS 'IDnar pIn'a' Dun
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 09:29:46 PDT 2020
> To make it clear that that's not what's
> happening in Oz, I was going to suggest
> pe'vIlHa' chop. I see you used pe'vIlHa'
> chop for when the witch kissed Dorothy
> "gently on the forehead,"
> Maybe loQ chop will work for the more
> general case. Or maybe just use chop and
> let it go at that.
If I understand this correctly, {pe'vIlHa' chop} is to be used for a "gentle kiss", and {loQ chop} as well as {chop} are interchangeable for "kissing in general".
~ mayqel qunen'oS
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