[tlhIngan Hol] jIpuj'eghnISbe'moH or jIpuj'eghnISmoHbe' ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Sep 20 06:47:41 PDT 2019

On 9/20/2019 9:39 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> SuStel:
> > The tighter you can make the scope of
> > the -be' suffix, the better, in my opinion.
> > Choose the first one.
> ok, thanks. The first one feels better to me too. But there is 
> something I wonder..
> How would you interpret the {jIpuj'eghnISmoHbe'} ?
> "I don't cause myself to need to be weak" ?
> Or could it mean too, "I don't need to make myself weak", but this 
> interpretation wouldn't be the first one that would come to the 
> reader's mind ?

Probably either. Klingon reaches a certain point where trying to put too 
fine a point on it just confuses things. I think you've reached that point.


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