[tlhIngan Hol] can the object of the {-meH} be the subject of what follows it ?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 05:14:42 PDT 2019

I want to say "klingons fight in order to be seen".

Suppose I write:

{tlhInganpu' luleghlu'meH Suv tlhInganpu'}

Would it be correct ?

What puzzles me is this..

The way "I've gotten used to the {-meH}", is that the subject of the {-meH}
phrase, is the subject of the phrase which follows it too.

But is that the case, or can the object of the {-meH} phrase, be the
subject of the phrase which follows it ?

So, could I write {tlhIngan leghmeH romuluSngan, jach tlhIngan} for "the
klingon shouts, in order that the romulan sees him" ?

~ bara'qa'
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