[tlhIngan Hol] {-oy} following an open syllable

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Sat Nov 2 18:40:45 PDT 2019

On Nov 2, 2019, at 9:28 PM, Hugh Son puqloD <Hugh at qeylis.net> wrote:
> Do we have canon information about what happens to the type four noun suffix {-oy} when it follows an open (CV) syllable?

Canon “suggests” that {'} is inserted to separate the vowels.

What my own mouth naturally does is to add a quiet {gh} or its uvular equivalent after {a} and {e}, a quiet {H} or unvoiced {y} after {I}, and a {w} after {o} and {u}.

> I was also wondering if, in Morskan, where syllable final {H} is elided, whether it would reassert itself as the beginning of a new syllable or whether it would remain silent and the syllable with a silent final {H} would behave like an open syllable (whatever the behavior for that would be). For example, as disgusting as the idea may be, would a Morskan speaker say {yIhoy}, {yI'oy}, *{yIoy}, something else?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the {H} reasserted itself as if it were the beginning of the next syllable.

— ghunchu'wI'

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