[tlhIngan Hol] Punctuation

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue May 21 09:28:40 PDT 2019

On 5/21/2019 10:00 AM, De'vID wrote:
> On Tue, 21 May 2019 at 13:11, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name 
> <mailto:sustel at trimboli.name>> wrote:
>     Feel free to ignore that list. It says “Klingonists agree,” but I
>     don’t remember any kind of referendum.
> It says "Klingonists have agreed that using commas is a very useful 
> thing to make phrases clear." While this statement is not sufficiently 
> supported by evidence on the page itself, are you saying it's untrue? 
> Does anyone disagree that using commas is useful for making phrases clear?

I'm saying that Lieven's intuitive feeling about what Klingonists agree 
on should not be taken as a mandate. mayqel cited that page as if it is 
authoritative, or at least asking why he should do what it advises.

> This is followed by "Over time, Klingonists have generally settled on 
> these practices on the mailing list and other online places, not as a 
> matter of policy, but as a convention." The practices listed seem to 
> me to generally be what is usually followed, here on this mailing list 
> and also elsewhere when Klingon is written in Latin script as 
> plain-text ASCII. I say "generally" because there's some variation, 
> e.g., I use <single angle brackets> instead of the <<double angle 
> brackets>> listed on that page.
> Nobody is obliged to follow common practice, but the reason it exists 
> is because it's what most people do.

Which is still not a mandate, but it IS covered by my citing of what 
"will be best understood and accepted by your audience."

mayqel has left the list before, because of an argument over 
punctuation. I'm telling him that there are no commandments regarding 
it, and if he's going to pay attention to that page, he has to pay close 
attention to the "but as a convention" part.

>     Just use whatever punctuation you think best expresses what you
>     want and will be best understood and accepted by your audience.
> Which will probably end up being very similar to what's listed on that 
> page.

Then why are you arguing with me? This was where I was leading him, 
without telling him he has to just do what everyone else says.

Once again, I understand what mayqel is getting at with his posts on 
this. He has his own ideas about punctuation and he wants to use it to 
be expressive, but he also feels the pressure of conformity. He wants to 
know just how much he has to do what he sees on that page, and why he 
has to listen to anybody. I'm trying to get him started, not smack him 
with the end result.


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