[tlhIngan Hol] Noun marked with {-'e'} at the beginning of the sentence

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon May 13 10:55:19 PDT 2019

Thank you all for taking the time to explain.

After reading the descriptions of what marked/emphasized/topicalized
actually mean, everything became clearer.

I believe, my confusion was mainly due to the fact, that I couldn't
differentiate between these terms.

But I have one final (hopefully..) question:

> Lets remove the ambiguity, of whether it's
> singular of plural, by writing: {vIghro'mey
> tIQ'e' novmey bIH}. Would you accept this > to say "as for ancient cats,
they are
> aliens" ?
> I would accept it as a marked way to
> emphasize vIghro'mey tIQ. But you don't
> really mean to emphasize the phrase, just
> topicalize it. It already gets topicalized
> as novmey bIH vIghro'mey tIQ'e'.

I understand now (finally), what topicalized means.

And, thank qeylIS, I understand too, what "marked way to emphasize" means.

But I wonder..

If I want to say "the ANCIENT CATS are aliens", emphasizing the "ancient
cats", but in an unmarked way, then how do I it ?

If I just write {novmey bIH vIghro'mey tIQ'e'}, then the {vIghro'mey tIQ}
is topicalized by the {-'e'}, but not emphasized..

~ m. qunen'oS
Ca'Non Ca'NonoywIj..
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