[tlhIngan Hol] ghItlh and jatlh
sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Mar 12 08:52:19 PDT 2019
On 3/12/2019 11:42 AM, SuStel wrote:
> On 3/12/2019 11:27 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
>> Is ghItlh to be treated as jatlh, with regards to quotations and
>> reporting things others have written ?
> No.
> So far as I know, only *jatlh* and *ja'* have been confirmed as "verbs
> of saying." *tlhob* is used as a verb of saying in /Power Klingon,/
> but in his interview with charghwI' about this
> <http://klingonska.org/canon/1998-12-holqed-07-4.txt>, he says that
> *tlhob, jang, *and*ghel* aren't used as verbs of saying. He was asked
> about and failed to answer to *bach* (slang), *chel, chup, jach,* and
> *SIv.*
He also used *jang* as a verb of saying three times in /paq'batlh,/ if
these aren't some of those lines translated by someone else. Here's the
*lujang meQboghnom 'oH
Daw' je joqwI'
/They reply it is the meQboghnom,
The banner of unity
And revolution.
The word *ra'* specifically avoids being a verb of saying in
/paq'batlh,/ and then in the very next stanza *jang *is used as a verb
of saying again:
*mangghomvam DevwI'
luDel 'e' ra' molor
vaj ghaH lujang*
*mangghom luDev wej loD
wa' Doj law' Hoch Doj puS
'etlhDaj jeq vagh DuQwI'Hom*
/Molor asks them,
Who leads these armies,
And they reply:/
/"Three men lead the army
With one who is most impressive
With a five pointed blade."/
*tlhob* is used twice in /paq'batlh,/ each time avoiding being a verb of
saying by using *'e',* like *ra' *above. *ghel* does not appear in
*jach* does appear in /paq'batlh,/ and sometimes it's a verb of saying
and sometimes it's not. Here's one where it's not:
*jach veqlargh jatlh
muqaD vay' 'ej ghe'tor 'el porgh
nuqDaq ghaH petaQ'e'*
/He [Fek'lhr] screamed: "Where is the p'takh
Who dares to enter Gre'thor
Within a body?!/
In each case where it is a verb of saying, it's the last word of a
stanza, and the next stanza is the quotation.
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