[tlhIngan Hol] naDev and 'el

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Mar 11 10:50:46 PDT 2019

On 3/11/2019 1:39 PM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> What troubled me about the naDev and the 'el, is that it sounds 
> awkward in greek/english to say "I enter the here", which is the 
> actual meaning of naDev vI'el.
> If I write Duj vI'el, then I feel it "normal": "I enter the ship". But 
> the sound of "I enter the here", is rather strange.
> Anyways, I guess the awkwardness has to do with the fse translation, 
> and not the actual klingon.
> I just didn't know whether the naDev can be used as a direct object.

It can in *naDev ghoS*/Come here (clipped)!/ (PK) This certainly doesn't 
mean /while you're here in the place, come somewhere!/

Interestingly, /paq'batlh/ has a line: *batlh naDev SuDab*/Welcome to 
this place./ It isn't *batlh naDev boDab.* Maybe this means that *Dab* 
is not allowed to have a locative as its object, and *naDev* can't stop 
being a locative. Or maybe the sentence means /here, you will inhabit 
someplace honorably/, and it's not saying anything about possible 
objects of *Dab.*


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