[tlhIngan Hol] Does rIntaH require a sentient being ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Mar 8 14:02:42 PST 2019

On 3/8/2019 4:50 PM, Will Martin wrote:
> That strikes me as peculiar. Since {vIje’} has the prefix assigning 
> the subject to that verb, I would expect that for emphasis, if you 
> wanted to add {jIH} it should go after {vIje’}, as in {vIje’ jIH rIntaH}.
> Doing it as {vIje’ rIntaH jIH} only makes sense if, given that written 
> Klingon as we know it is phonetic spelling of spoken Klingon, somehow 
> {rIntaH} has become a Type 10 suffix,

Or it's just an exceptional rule that says the special word *rIntaH* 
comes after the verb regardless of any subjects or objects. Similar to 
how the adverbial *neH* comes after a verb or noun as needed instead of 
coming at the front of a sentence. It's just exceptional. We don't need 
to make up hypothetical type 10 suffixes.

> so it always follows the verb and its other suffixes, and any subject 
> would follow it. Otherwise, I see no justification for {rIntaH jIH}, 
> since as a sentence, it would have to be {jIrIntaH jIH}.

No, the *jIH* would be the subject of *vIje',* with the word *rIntaH* 
simply being inserted after the verb.

We have no problem with *qa'vIn De' vIje' neH jIH*/I merely buy the 
Genesis data./ Why would we have a problem with *qa'vIn De' vIje' rIntaH 
jIH*/I have bought the Genesis data/?

On the other hand, this is being described in TKD as a special kind of 
sentence-as-object construction, so it might make sense that when Okrand 
said /verb/ he actually meant /sentence,/ since all his examples have no 
explicit subject.

Again, without data, we can't decide one way or the other.


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