[tlhIngan Hol] DISjajwIj wa'maH SochDIch

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Mon Mar 4 09:24:40 PST 2019

wa’Hu’ ‘oH DISjajwIj wa'maH SochDIch.

roD Sawlu'DI’ lay’lu’: <<jIHeghpa’ qoj bIHeghpa’ qamejQo’.>>

jaS jIlay’: <<qaStaHvIS vaghmaH DIS qamejQo’. ghIq malay’qa’laH.>> “50 years, with option to renew.”

qatlh? poH wIvuSmo’, batlh maQorghchuqnIS. batlhHa’ mavangchugh, chaq malay’qa’Qo’. “It keeps us on good behavior.”

ratlh wejmaH wej DIS. ghIq mawuq. javmaH loS ben jIbogh. HutmaH Soch ben jIboghDI’, chaq jISawHa’. QaQnIStaH be’nalwI’. jIQaQnIStaH jIH je.

charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan

rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.

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