[tlhIngan Hol] A lot of Huch; Is it singular or plural ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Feb 14 06:50:26 PST 2019

On 2/14/2019 9:35 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> Recently, I was wondering whether the plural of {Huch} is to be
> treated as singular or plural.
> Do we say {Huch law' wIghaj}, or {Huch law' DIghaj} ?
> We have the Ca'NoN sentence:
> {Quj wa'DIch monopoly Huch nav qa' tlhIngan QaS}
> klingon forces replace original monopoly bills
> Reading this at first, I thought that since the "klingon forces" is
> plural, however we don't see a {lu-} on the {qa'}, then this means,
> that the {Huch nav} is plural. But then I realized that perhaps only
> the {nav} is the plural word of this noun-noun construction. So we
> don't know (or at least*I*  don't know) if the {Huch} here is to be
> meant as singular of plural.
> And, as americans say, I'm back to square one..
> So, to return to the original question, does someone know if we say
> {Huch law' wIghaj}, or {Huch law' DIghaj} ?

/The Klingon Way/ has *Huch nobHa'bogh verenganpu''e' yIvoqQo'*/Don't 
trust Ferengi who give back money./ On the one hand, this has *Huch 
nobHa'bogh verenganpu''e'* instead of *Huch lunobHa'bogh 
verenganpu''e',* so it would appear that *Huch *is being considered 
plural. On the other hand, the sentence erroneously has *yIvoqQo'* 
instead of *tIvoqQo',* so I suspect the consideration of plurality was 
not high here. As data, this sentence is suspect.

Unfortunately, so far as I know, that's the only other time the word has 
been used in a sentence.

I personally assume that *Huch* is a mass noun, because /money/ is a 
mass noun and no attempt has been made to distinguish the grammar of 
*Huch* from the grammar of /money./ That would mean the correct sentence 
would be *Huch law' wIghaj.*


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