[tlhIngan Hol] A lot of Huch; Is it singular or plural ?

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 06:35:48 PST 2019

Recently, I was wondering whether the plural of {Huch} is to be
treated as singular or plural.

Do we say {Huch law' wIghaj}, or {Huch law' DIghaj} ?

We have the Ca'NoN sentence:

{Quj wa'DIch monopoly Huch nav qa' tlhIngan QaS}
klingon forces replace original monopoly bills

Reading this at first, I thought that since the "klingon forces" is
plural, however we don't see a {lu-} on the {qa'}, then this means,
that the {Huch nav} is plural. But then I realized that perhaps only
the {nav} is the plural word of this noun-noun construction. So we
don't know (or at least *I* don't know) if the {Huch} here is to be
meant as singular of plural.

And, as americans say, I'm back to square one..

So, to return to the original question, does someone know if we say
{Huch law' wIghaj}, or {Huch law' DIghaj} ?

~ mayqel *I love maltz* qunen'oS

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