[tlhIngan Hol] Asking "why do I need to be there ?"

Christa Hansberry chransberry at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 17:14:19 PST 2019

Is that kinda like "ser" and "estar" in Spanish?

"Eso es un gato" (That is a cat) vs. "El gato está en la casa" (The cat is
in the house)

But if I were to ask "Where is the cat?" in Klingon, I'd say "nuqDaq
'oH(taH?) vIghro''e'?", rather than "nuqDaq SaH vIghro'?" And the answer
would likely be "juHDaq 'oHtaH vIghro''e'."... at least, that's my
understanding of the matter :-)

On Feb 22, 2019 3:55 PM, "De'vID" <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:

Daniel Dadap <daniel at dadap.net> schrieb am Fr., 22. Feb. 2019, 23:26:

> Usually when we use pronouns as copulas in Klingon for “to be” sentences,
> we’re really talking about identity (tlhIngan maH; raS 'oH; HoD ghaH; yIH
> bIH), which is not the case in this sentence. “Why do I need to be there”
> is really asking why my presence is required, which is why in my Klingon
> suggestions I used jISaHnIS and vIpoQlu'.

Chinese also distinguishes between the "identity" and "existence" senses of
"to be". The former is 是 ("I am a person") and the latter is 在 ("I am


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