[tlhIngan Hol] Asking "why do I need to be there ?"

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 14:55:00 PST 2019

Daniel Dadap <daniel at dadap.net> schrieb am Fr., 22. Feb. 2019, 23:26:

> Usually when we use pronouns as copulas in Klingon for “to be” sentences,
> we’re really talking about identity (tlhIngan maH; raS 'oH; HoD ghaH; yIH
> bIH), which is not the case in this sentence. “Why do I need to be there”
> is really asking why my presence is required, which is why in my Klingon
> suggestions I used jISaHnIS and vIpoQlu'.

Chinese also distinguishes between the "identity" and "existence" senses of
"to be". The former is 是 ("I am a person") and the latter is 在 ("I am


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