[tlhIngan Hol] DISvam chabal tetlh

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Feb 13 06:26:51 PST 2019

On 2/13/2019 5:23 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> I'm sorry for saying this, but this is unfair.

I agree. KLI membership hasn't really offered me much in the past, and 
I've let my membership lapse more than once. And now that I'm struggling 
to pay a mortgage, lost my car to an accident, and have two young 
children, I can't afford to pay for access to Marc Okrand.

But the KLI has always been in the business of parceling out privilege 
to the lucky few. Usually it has been based on accomplishment, and I've 
been on the receiving end of that in some ways. There's still something 
unfair about being able to /become/ canon in an endeavor that focuses so 
much on analyzing the canonical, but at least it was a reward for having 
done good.

Now it's purely about whether you spend money. If it's meant to drive up 
KLI membership, what's the point? Okay, you paid for a membership and 
now you can get your words, and that membership gives you... well, about 
as much as it did before. Getting your words isn't a perk of membership; 
it's the /point/ of membership. Which means it's still a pay-for-access 

I've got other thoughts on this, but I'll leave them alone for now.


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