[tlhIngan Hol] Context of {bang}
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 12 09:28:13 PST 2019
(st.klingon): the word bang is indeed a noun meaning love, but it refers to the object of one's affection, that is, beloved one. (In Star Trek III, Kruge refers to Valkris as bangwI' "my love" in this sense.)
Qapla' jawwI' bangwI' je
Success my lord and my love. ST3
[Before you ask, jaw is an alternative form of joH.]
reH bang larghlu'
Love is always smelled.
(lit. "A loved one is always smelled.") TKW
HIchop, bang
Give us a kiss, love. RT
For the emotional or physical response called “love” – though “lust” would probably be closer to the mark - use parmaq:
(KGT 199): ... parmaq, conventionally translated love or romance (though the Klingon concept is far more aggressive than the Federation Standard translations imply)
(KGT 207): there are some words that simply do not translate. One must resort to descriptions rather than simple one- or two-word translations, and one must be a quite facile in the language and knowledgeable of the culture to understand the concepts. ... So is parmaq, the Klingon term for an aggressive sort of romantic feeling.
From: SuStel
On 2/12/2019 11:10 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
We have the noun {bang} "love, one who is loved".
So, it means two things: "the love" (noun), and "the person who is loved" (as in "you are my love").
As far as the noun "the love" is concerned, what kind of "love" is it ?
Romantic ? Sexual ? "Innocent" as in between parents and children ?
Or all of the above ?
The word love also means the person. bang refers to the person, not the emotion. It's listed as "love, one who is loved" because you're going to look it up under l, not o.
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