[tlhIngan Hol] finer shades of perfective aspect

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 09:55:06 PST 2019

David Holt:
> I'm satisfied calling them Hom to'waQ and Somraw to'waQ

I like this idea a lot. Thanks for sharing !

David Holt:
> Heck, I would even accept to'waQ for fascia,
> but I haven't settled definitively on a term - maybe qatbogh to'waQ?

I'm not so sure about this one though. If I read {qatbogh to'waQ}, I
would start trying to imagine a tendon/ligament which wraps/encases. I
don't think my mind would go to fascia.

Perhaps {qatbogh qIvon}. After all fascia is a body part too. If we
could use {qIvon} for any kind of body part, perhaps this could be a

On the other hand, {qatbogh qIvon} could mean as well a joint capsule,
the capsule of an internal organ e.g, liver capsule, or even the
sheath enclosing vessels e.g. femoral vein, nerve and artery.

But I think that context could clarify all these, as long as of course
one could take the {qIvon} and use it to mean "tissue".

Only qeylIS knows..

~ channgan qIj

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