[tlhIngan Hol] Mandos bIghHa' notqa'

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 10:19:09 PDT 2019


Then hate overcame Fëanor’s fear, and he cursed Melkor and bade him be
gone, saying: ‘Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos!’ And
he shut the doors of his house in the face of the mightiest of all the
dwellers in Eä.

wa'DIch ghIj feanor, 'ach tagha' muSqu'choHmo', melkor tIchmeH 'ej
mejmoHmeH HoS Suq. vaj jatlh:

lojmItwIjvo' yIghoS, mandos bIghHa' notqa' !

ea nganpu''e', melkor Dun law' Hoch Dun puS; 'ach, feanor juH lojmItmeyDaq
QamtaHvIS melkor, ghaHvaD lojmItmeyvam SoQmoH feanor.


This is the best I could do.

After finishing this, and reading your translation, I have to comment:


I liked *a lot* your {Melkor 'IghmoH}. Sadly it didn't come to my mind
while I was writing my version.


> Eä DabwI''e' Melkor HoSghaj law' Hoch HoSghaj puS;

Initially I thought of using {DabwI'}, but I went with {ngan} because I
didn't know which was actually closer to "dwellers". My mind decided to go
with {ngan}.

However, I'm puzzled with your choice of {HoSghaj}. In english, is "mighty"
closer to "powerful", or closer to "greatest" ?


> DabwI'vam qab tlhopDaq

I thought of this too, but I wondered whether the "he shut the doors of his
house in the face of" was to be taken literally or metaphorically.


> feanor juH lojmItmeyDaq QamtaHvIS melkor

I wondered whether I could write too:

{feanor juH lojmItmeyDaq ghaHtaHvIS melkor'e'}

And I still wonder whether that would be correct too..

Anyways, my american friend, I like this kind of practicing a lot, and if
you'd like to continue in other small passages too, it'd be great !

~ bnbnbnn
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