[tlhIngan Hol] Mandos bIghHa' notqa'

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 07:40:33 PDT 2019

> klingon translation

I had a wonderful idea.. I'll translate too this passage, post it, and
*then* read your translation, so as not to be influenced by it.

QoghIjwIjDaq narghpu' qech pov; ghItlh 'ay'vam vImugh je, 'ej vImughta'DI',
'ej naDev vIlI'ta', mughta'ghachlIj vIlaD. vImughta'pa', mughta'ghachlIj
vIlaDbe', muSIghvIpmo'.

~ qnqnqq
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