[tlhIngan Hol] color entry at kli.org

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Fri Aug 30 11:27:56 PDT 2019

Am 30.08.2019 um 18:20 schrieb nIqolay Q:
> I think De'vID is referring to the fact that KGT claims Klingon has no
> noun for "color", and yet we've got one. It's an issue he's mentioned
> before.
> My hypothesis: [...] Only Maltz knows for sure.

I've had a chance to talk to Marc Okrand recently and he explained it to
me. These are my own words describing the situation.

He agreed that his wording was bit confusing. KGT is correct saying that
there is no noun for color in the sense of "What color is that?" or "Red
is a nice color." The new word {qalmuS} is used to distinguish the
colorfulness of pictures, for instance. He pointed at a color photograph
and said "That one has color" and then at a black'n'white photo and said
"that one has not."

For future reference, I've added this explanation to a new section of
the Klingon Language Wiki. It's still in Beta version, so don't bother
about strange formatting or the like:



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