[tlhIngan Hol] teH vs {-na'}

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 05:18:50 PDT 2019

> You're missing something fundamental.
> A verb used adjectivally describes
> something about *the noun* it follows.
> The suffix {-na'} indicates the degree of
> *your* (the speaker's) certainty about it.

Good to know. Thanks for clarifying this. In fact, this has been one of the
things I was having difficulty understanding with regards to {-na'}.

> As I understand it, {teH} is “true” in the
> sense of truthfulness, not “true” in the
> sense of genuineness.

I wondered about this too, but I told myself "Don't argue with me soldier !
Use {teH}, use it now ! Use it like there's no tomorrow !"

However, I *do* wonder.. If {teH} indeed cannot be used to express
"genuineness", what word/words could we use to express the opposite of
{ngeb} ?

~ chchch
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