[tlhIngan Hol] [Tlhingan-hol] 2018 qep'a' Wish List

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 00:30:13 PDT 2018

- thurible

- sacrifice (verb or noun)

- bell (noun) (as in "church bell")

- dot (noun) (as in "the dot marks the end of the sentence")

- comma (noun) (the punctuation mark)

- colon (noun) (the punctuation mark)

- semicolon (noun) (the punctuation mark)

- subject (noun) (the part of speech)

- object (noun) (the part of speech)

- adverb (noun) (the part of speech)

- therapy (noun)

- allergy (noun)

- salt (noun)

- pepper (noun)

- patella (noun)

- pulse (noun) (as in "the pulse of the heart")

- pressure (as in "blood pressure")

- femur (noun)

- thigh (noun)

- calcaneus (noun)

~ nI'ghma

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