[tlhIngan Hol] H & I Network Klingon announcement

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Thu Jun 14 07:07:50 PDT 2018

On Jun 14, 2018, at 08:59, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

>> “not jegh'a' maH”
> Yes, that's what they say, because that's what the Bing translator gives you when asked for "we will not surrender".

Wow, that is a terrible translation. I hadn’t thought to suspect Bing because the rest seemed reasonable and well-pronounced, so I thought maybe I was just mishearing something that actually made sense.

>> 'a tlhos rInDI' muchHom, pagh vIyajlaH. 'oH yajlaH'a' vay'?
> I only got the beginning, because that also from Bing. Enter "All Star Trek" and you'll get {Hoch puQmo' Trek} - that's what the speaker says. The rest sounds like {jabwI' ram jaj} to me, so I'd guess the ram and jaj come from things like "what it every day" or "weeknights" or so.

Yeah, I caught parts of that (I heard Hoch and ram jaj), but couldn’t really make sense of any of it since they were also speaking English at the same time.

> I've summarized it on the Wiki:
> http://www.klingonwiki.net/En/HeroesAndIcons
> -- 
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
> http://www.klingonisch.de
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