[tlhIngan Hol] targhHom machqu' ghaj mara

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Thu Jun 14 06:12:20 PDT 2018

Here’s another one with slightly reworked imagery. This is my last reconstruction for now; I’ll incorporate the feedback received so far and a few other changes I decided on after initially sharing, then collect all of the revised reconstructions together somewhere. Thanks again to all who helped me with these.

targhHom machqu' ghaj mara, ghaj mara, ghaj mara,
targhHom machqu' ghaj mara, Doq 'oH 'ej lam rur veD.
'ej Qu'Hommo' vogh jaHchugh ghaH, jaHchugh ghaH, jaHchugh ghaH,
Qu'Hommo' vogh jaHchugh ghaH, vaj mara tlha'meH, tlheD.

Mara had a very small targlet, Mara had it, Mara had it,
Mara had a very small targlet, it was brown and its fur resembled dirt.
And if Mara went somewhere due to a minor errand, if she went, if she went,
If Mara went somewhere due to a minor errand, then in order to follow Mara, it departed.

wa' jaj DuSaQDaq tlha'pu', ghaH tlha'pu', ghaH tlha'pu'.
wa' jaj DuSaQDaq tlha'pu'; jatlh ghojmoHwI' “'elQo'!”
'ach Hagh 'ej reHtaH Hoch puqpu', Hoch puqpu', Hoch puqpu',
Hagh 'ej reHtaH Hoch puqpu', DuSaQDaq luleghmo'.

One day it had followed her to school, it had followed her, it had followed her.
One day it had followed her to school; the teacher said “not enter!” (Clipped Klingon)
But all of the children laughed and were playing, all of the children, all of the children,
All of the children laughed and were playing, because they saw it at school.

vaj, ghIq targh vujpu' ghojmoHwI', ghojmoHwI' ghojmoHwI',
ghIq targh vujpu' ghojmoHwI', 'ach qach SumDaq taH targh.
'ej mara loS targh matlhmo' 'oH, matlhmo' 'oH, matlhmo' 'oH,
mara loS targh matlhmo' 'oH, HaD 'e' vemDI' ghaH, nargh.

So, then the teacher had ejected the targ, the teacher, the teacher,
Then the teacher had ejected the targ, but the targ endured near the building.
And the targ waited for Mara because it was loyal, because it was loyal, because it was loyal,
The targ waited for Mara because it was loyal, when she stopped studying, she appeared.

targhHom machqu' ghaj mara, ghaj mara, ghaj mara,
targhHom machqu' ghaj mara, Doq 'oH 'ej lam rur veD.
'ej Qu'Hommo' vogh jaHchugh ghaH, jaHchugh ghaH, jaHchugh ghaH,
Qu'Hommo' vogh jaHchugh ghaH, vaj mara tlha'meH, tlheD.

(same as first verse)

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