[tlhIngan Hol] first confirmations for qepHom 2018

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Tue Jul 3 00:28:47 PDT 2018

Am 02.07.2018 um 23:25 schrieb kechpaja:
> What's the ratio of drawn to hopeful attendees so far? 

Usually, most attendees who had registered could attend, but not all. We 
just had to put a limit.

Is it completely
> out of the question to move to a bigger venue next year?

It's not a question of space, it's more a question of organisation. We 
are doing this all alone with only two people, and more people means 
more work. Besides, too many people just isn't fun any more - Hutvagh.

> And at a broader level: are we getting to the point where one qepHom may
> not be enough to serve all interested parties in Europe?

Of course that's possible. It's the KLI's goal to have qepHommey in each 
major city :-) There hve been several qepHommey in Uppsala, Sweden, for 
instance, and a Klingon crash course in Switzerland.

I'm sure that there are many people who would go to other places as 
well, but not all. 95 % of our attendees are German and most of them 
only speak German. We have also considered doing two qephommey in a 
year, but after speaking to many people, it seems like they would only 
attend one of both, which means we would just have two smaller qepHoms, 
but the double amount of work.

And as a sidenote: the typical qepHom in its first meaning as described 
at the KLI page has never worked. I've made hangouts and information all 
over the city, and not one single person called to meet. That's why the 
Saarbrücken qepHom grew the way it has.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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