[tlhIngan Hol] Context of {-Daq}

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Jan 23 06:24:32 PST 2018

Ø  Assume I want to say, "I give DuraS the middle finger".

Ø  Initially, it came to me to write: {DuraSDaq qaywI' vI'agh}.

Ø  I *feel* that it is more appropriate to say {DuraSvaD qaywI' vI'agh}.

You’re still thinking in English (and/or Greek).  Instead of using the noun {qaywI'} , use the verb {qay} “use the second (middle) finger”:  {DuraSDaq jIqay}.  Whether this means the same thing in Klingon as in English is another question entirely.

The use of the finger verbs was explained in HolQeD 10.2:

    When used with nouns with the locative suffix –Daq, the finger verbs mean point (with a specific finger) at or towards. … There are some special uses of the reflexive forms of the finger verbs. For example, while ghIchwIj vISIq means I touch my nose with my index finger and ghIchwIjDaq jISIq means I point at my nose with my index finger, the phrase ghIchwIjDaq jISIq'egh (with –'egh oneself), literally I use at myself my index finger at my nose, is used for I pick my nose with my index finger. Similarly, nujDajDaq rIl'egh ghu, literally at his/her mouth, the baby uses at him/herself his/her thumb, is used for the baby sucks its thumb. […]In addition to qan use the little finger, use the pinkie, there is another verb qan meaning be old (not young). No doubt because of this resemblance, when one points at someone using the little finger, or when one remarks on this pointing, the pointer is making a comment on the age of the person being pointed to.  qI'empeqDaq jIqan (I think that) K'mpec is old (lit. "I point at K'mpec with my little finger"). (HQ 10.2:7-9)

Some more examples:

DungDaq qan
     point the little finger upwards. (HQ 10.2)

     jaghwI'Daq jIHom
     I use (my) second toe at my enemy.
     (idiom: I claim my enemy is unworthy or weak). (HQ 10.2:11)

Aha!  It appears that, instead of “giving someone the finger”, in Klingon you “give someone the toe”.  <g>


From: mayqel qunenoS

There is something, which I'm wondering with regards to the {-Daq}.
Unfortunately though, in order to describe it, I need to write a ridiculous example.

Assume I want to say, "I give DuraS the middle finger".
Initially, it came to me to write: {DuraSDaq qaywI' vI'agh}.

However, this phrase gives me the impression that someone has mounted DuraS, and there -on DuraS-, he displays the middle finger.  So, I'm wondering whether this assumption is correct. Or could {-Daq} indeed be used to convey the intended meaning ?

I *feel* that it is more appropriate to say {DuraSvaD qaywI' vI'agh}.

Although since I'm not certain, if anyone could shed some light on the matter, it would be great.

~ nI'ghma

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