[tlhIngan Hol] Writing continuously in irrealis

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Feb 9 12:24:46 PST 2018

Like so much of Klingon grammar, Okrand’s examples were short single sentence, not connected text, so we don’t really know.  I would mark the first sentence/clause with {net jalchugh} as sort of an “irrealis stamp” to set the scene for the entire sentence/paragraph/story, etc.– like a time stamp or place stamp.  E.g.

   I am a giant {net jalchugh}:  Because I live in a castle above the clouds, I am happy. Etc.

I’m sure the others will have their own suggestions.


From: mayqel qunenoS

There is a problem I've been having, which I don't know how to overcome.
If I want to write a story in english, a story written in irrealis (if that's how we say it), then I can write:

     "If I was a giant, and I was living in a castle above the clouds, I would be happy.
      And if my kingdom had many soft and furry cats.."

In Klingon, in order to write something as the above, we have the {net jalchugh}.
However, (and here is my problem), if I want to write an entire story in irrealis, then what do I do ?
Do I place the {net jalchugh} after each and every sentence ?
In the above example would I need to write {I am a giant net jalchugh, and I live in a castle above the clouds net jalchugh, I am happy net jalchugh..} ?
Wouldn't this make the reader "tired", reading the {net jalchugh} after each and every sentence ?
Is there any other way of approaching this ?

~ nI'ghma
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