[tlhIngan Hol] Adverbiality and the verb {Da}

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Fri Feb 9 18:25:17 PST 2018

[Sorry for the spam; accidentally sent this off prematurely.]

It makes perfect sense to me, but to be on the safe side, you can use -DI' and -taHvIS to connect the sentences:

{SuvtaHvIS tlhInganpu' Da!} - "They fight like Klingons!"

{vaj HeghtaHvIS tlhInganpu' Dajaj!} - "Then they can die like Klingons!"

{bangwI'vaD jIjatlhtaHvIS jIbIt.} - "I spoke nervously to my beloved."

{jISupDI' jISoy'.} - "I jumped clumsily."

In paq'batlh, the author often uses {X-DI' Y} or {X-taHvIS Y} to express things like "They X:ed in a Y:ish way." where the English uses adverbs.

For example:

bIjatlhDI' bIval

"You speak wise words."

ghoStaHvIS tam 'ej So'

"They sneak and they creep"

qachvam vIcheghDI' charghwI' jIH

"I will return to this house victorious"

jInaS jImupDI'

I don't have the English translation handy, but it was something like "I will strike viciously."

che'taHvIS val qeylIS 'ej yoH

    Qapqa' tlhIngan tuqmey

    'ej yaymey Dun chav

"The Klingon tribes flourished once more,

    And many great victories were made

    During Kahless's reign of wisdom and bravery."

ta'meyDaj boqawDI' SuHemjaj

    mu'meyDaj bojatlhDI' Suvaljaj

"May you remember his deeds with pride,

    May you recite his words with wisdom,"

From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu>
Sent: Friday, February 9, 2018 19:26
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Adverbiality and the verb {Da}

FYI, Da behave as, act in the manner of in canon:

  nepwI' Daba'
  He is obviously lying. TKD

  SuvwI' DameH puqloDwI' vIghojHa'moH DaH 'e' vItlhoj
  I see now, I have failed to raise my son a man. PB

  yejquv DevwI' moj ghawran 'e' wuqta' cho' 'oDwI' Dapu'bogh
    janluq pIqarD HoD.
  Gowron... named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard,
    who was acting as Arbiter of Succession. S25

Note that the above have a noun as the object of Da.  The second example with the -meH purpose clause is similar to what you want.  A -bogh relative clause is another way to add an adverbial-like phrase.

Here are the other two examples I know for the sake of thoroughness:

  jIlay'ta' 'ej batlh jIpabta' vaj choDanIS
  I have kept my word of honor, and so should you PB

  HaDlu'meH, QuSlu'meH, SuDlu'meH lojmIt Da logh Hop Hut tengchaH.
    vaj loghDaq lenglaHtaH Humanpu'
  space station Deep Space Nine is the gateway for the exploration, intrigue and
   enterprise that mark the continuation of the human adventure into space... S99

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

From: demonchaux.aurelie

- A adverb, by definition, is used to specify the manner in which an action is carried out
- The Klingon verb {Da} means "behave as, act in the manner of"

Taking this into account, wouldn't it make sense to use <noun + Da> to convey the same meaning as an adverb?

For instance:
He fought bravely: Suv ghaH, yoHwI' Da
He spoke calmy: jatlh ghaH, jotwI' Da
He shouted angrily: jach ghaH, QeHwI' Da

What do you think?


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