[tlhIngan Hol] Simple pIqaD typeface
Daniel Dadap
daniel at dadap.net
Sun Feb 4 18:54:22 PST 2018
Thanks, naHQun and Qunchuy; this is exactly the type of feedback I was looking for.
Alan Anderson <qunchuy at alcaco.net> wrote:
> I don't see the essential features I expect from {r}, and
> the {tlh} is tilted weirdly to the left. I recognize the {ch}/{tlh}
> similarity, but I think it's overdone.
Thanks. I flipped the direction of the curve of the lower part of {r} and extended it outwards to hopefully let it look more familiar. As for {tlh}, yes, I was going for a reuse of the top part of {ch}, and just changed the curve of the right side. I’ve redrawn it to still use the “hook” from {ch} but with a larger and more pointed to the right bowl.
Here’s a screenshot with the current letter shapes; I’ll wait another couple of days for additional feedback, and hopefully have a font to share with everyone within the next couple of weeks.
Not sure how well image attachments work on this list or how much people like/hate them; if it doesn’t display, try: https://imgur.com/a/5h6Eo
> And am I the only person who believes {ch} and {ng} are basically the same
> shape with a 90 degree rotation?
I can see where you’re going with that, but to me, the upward facing bowl in {ch} dominates in a way that the corresponding feature in {ng} doesn’t. To my eye, the resemblance between {ng} and {o} is stronger, which is why they share the same basic shape. (I also used {o} as a basis for {r}, which is probably what made it look weird to you.)
Michael Roney, Jr. <nahqun at gmail.com> wrote:
> I expected the top of the {D} to be more "up", more "perky"? but that is just what I expected to see, it doesn't mean your {D} is wrong or that you should change it. I learned to write pIqaD from a font more suited to engraving, and it had the tip pointing straight up, so that probably where I get that bias.
Yeah, as Qunchuy pointed out, the {D} and {y} are actually the same shape. My sense is that {D} should point a little more “up”, and the line on the right side of the loop of {y} should be a little more vertical, and the angle they’re both set at is a bit of a compromise to allow them to be 180° rotations of each other rather than some weird angle.
> I also expected the lower curve of the {H} to look different. I don't know if I expected it to be rounder or longer or curvier, it just seemed... off.
I think it’s an artifact of the fact that {H} is a closed off {m}, and the left side of both shares a shape with {b}, {n}, and {q}. I also feel that maybe the leg could be a little longer, but I’ve chosen to leave it as-is.
> If you are going to release this publicly as a font, please use a more unique name than "pIqaD.ttf" as I'm tired of having to rename fonts before I install them.
Indeed. :) I haven’t found any existing fonts called “pIqaD nap”, so unless someone points out that this name has already been used, or doesn’t mean what I intend it to (“simple pIqaD”), that’s the name I’m going with.
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