[tlhIngan Hol] Maltz about fear

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Fri Feb 2 01:43:18 PST 2018

For the little verse I posted before this message, I asked Marc Okrand 
if there is a noun for "fear". As expected, he definitely confirmed 
there is not, because Maltz is a tough guy who does not know fear. Of 
course he is. :-)

He also provided some nice way to translate the phrases. These are 
always nice to have as additional canon examples.

----begin quote--------------------------------------
Maltz says he knows no word for "fear."  Maltz is one tough dude.

He thinks using {ghIj} can work, however.

"You will encounter fear tomorrow" might be {wa'leS DughIj vay'} or 
{wa'leS DaghIjlu'} ("Tomorrow somebody will scare you," "Tomorrow you'll 
be scared")

"How do I recognize fear?" might be something like {vIghIjlu' chay' 'e' 
vISov?}  ("How do/will I know that I'm scared?")

"fear speaks very loud" can be recast using similar but different imagery:

{DaghIjlu'chugh bItIwqu'} "If you're scared, you'll react really 

{DaghIjlu' 'e' DabuSHa'laHbe'} "You can't ignore that you're scared"

{DaghIjlu'chugh chuSqu' QIn} "If you're scared, the message is really 
noisy" (or {DaghIjlu'DI'…} "When you're scared…")

{DaghIjlu'chugh jachqu' maQ} "If you're scared, the sign/omen yells 
(loudly)" (or {DaghIjlu'DI'…} "When you're scared…")

{DaghIjlu'chugh ghumqu'lu'} "If you're scared, the alarm is really 
sounded" (or {DaghIjlu'DI'…} "When you're scared…")
	     or {…ghumlu'bej} "…the alarm is certainly sounded"
	     or {…ghumlu'chu'} "…the alarm is sounded perfectly"

These are only ideas; there are certainly other ways to do this.

----end quote----------------------------------------

Okrand added that if you find something absolutely wrong, don't accept 
it as a new rule. Typos are always possible.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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